商品説明エンジニアドガーメンツワークシャツ ツイルプレイド チェックsize:S 身幅58×肩幅47×着丈84×袖丈65素材:コットン100% MADE IN USA ホワイト×レッド×グリーン 新品未使用定番アイテムのワークシャツ。肩や袖、脇はトリプルニードルで縫製され、肘の当て布やサイドのガゼット、カンヌキステッチなどワークなディテールがふんだんに盛り込まれている定番の1着。左右非対称の胸ポケットも目を惹くデザイン。素材にはしっかりとした厚みのあるツイル素材を使用しており経年変化も楽しめます。
Engineered Garments Work Shirt - Chambray
Navy Engineered Garments Herringbone Work Shirt | HIP
Engineered Garments Work Shirt (Blue Cotton Heavy Twill Plaid)
Engineered Garments - Work Shirt - Brown/Orange - RENDEZ-VOUS STORE
Engineered Garments Work Shirt Small Plaid - Green/Navy | Kafka Mercantile
Engineered Garments Chambray Work Shirt, Light Blue
Engineered Garments Work Shirt - Light Blue Cotton Chambray
Work Shirt Orange, Navy & Green Printed Plaid | Engineered Garments | Epitome
Engineered Garments Work Shirt Cotton Herringbone Flannel Navy
ENGINEERED GARMENTS Work Shirt [Green/Navy(Cotton Small Plaid)]
Engineered Garments Work Shirt
WORK SHIRT INDIGO COTTON CHAMBRAY by Engineered Garments – The Bureau Belfast - The Bureau Belfast
Engineered Garments Work Shirt - Chambray
Navy Engineered Garments Herringbone Work Shirt | HIP
Engineered Garments Work Shirt (Blue Cotton Heavy Twill Plaid)
Engineered Garments - Work Shirt - Brown/Orange - RENDEZ-VOUS STORE
Engineered Garments Work Shirt Small Plaid - Green/Navy | Kafka Mercantile
Engineered Garments Chambray Work Shirt, Light Blue
Engineered Garments Work Shirt - Light Blue Cotton Chambray
Work Shirt Orange, Navy & Green Printed Plaid | Engineered Garments | Epitome
Engineered Garments Work Shirt Cotton Herringbone Flannel Navy
ENGINEERED GARMENTS Work Shirt [Green/Navy(Cotton Small Plaid)]
Engineered Garments Work Shirt
WORK SHIRT INDIGO COTTON CHAMBRAY by Engineered Garments – The Bureau Belfast - The Bureau Belfast
WORK SHIRT NAVY COTTON HERRINGBONE FLANNEL by Engineered Garments – The Bureau Belfast - The Bureau Belfast